Music Monday – Thank You – Alanis Morissette

Welcome to Music Monday! As many of you know, music contributes a great deal to my writing process. Whether it’s a song’s lyrics, beat, rhythm, or tone, I find myself constantly inspired by it.

writing-to-musicBack in March, after I finished the second round of the NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge, I began brainstorming possible ideas for the third and final round–just in case I miraculously advanced and had to write a story in 24-hours (*faints*).

I ended up listening to a lot of music in hopes something would trigger an idea. Finally, after many songs, one did: “Thank You” by Alanis Morissette.

Alanis_Morissette_-_Supposed_Former_Infatuation_JunkieTo be honest, I almost skipped over this song because I’ve never felt inspired by it. But then I stopped and really listened to it and–voila! An idea for round three came to me. And I ended up using that idea this past weekend when I did advance in the NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge–ahhhh!

The number one thing I love about “Thank You” is its lyrics. They’re so powerful! I can’t even point out my favorite line. Each moves me in its own way, and each helped me develop my plot, understand my protagonist, and draw out the kind of emotions I needed for my story–well, as good as I could draw them out in a 24-hour period.

I also took comfort in this song’s message of gratitude, forgiveness, and letting go. It helped me figure out the message of my story and what I wanted readers to take away from it.

hqdefaultSo, if you’re looking for a song with powerful lyrics and a moving message, then listen to Alanis Morissette’s “Thank You”.

What song(s) are you in love with right now? Which one(s) offer you inspiration? Let me know! I’m always searching for songs that motivate my writing.

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2 thoughts on “Music Monday – Thank You – Alanis Morissette

  1. Ah, I remember that song. Alanis was HUGE when I was in college. I always thought it was funny how she was pegged as being so angry. You Outta Know was, sure, but most of her other work isn’t.

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