Friday Funny with a Bang and a Touch of Madness

Happy Friday, everyone! Well, I don’t say this often, but I’ve been grateful for going to work this week. Despite what some believe, it gets HOT in Colorado, and the thermometer has been hovering around the 100 degrees mark the past few days. Since I don’t have AC at my house, I’ve been more than happy to hop in my car and go to work where it’s like a freezer.

Besides work being a cool environment, it’s also been a calm one. That means I’ve had plenty of time and energy to continue revising my manuscript. This week, I’ve managed to maintain my steady pace and squeak out two and half new chapters. So, that officially puts my second draft at just over 43,000 NEW words. Hopefully that means by next week I’ll hit the halfway mark.
So, one of my favorite quotes is by Alfred Hitchcock: “There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it.” That’s how I like to write my stories. I like to draw the reader in by wrapping them up in a blanket of mysteries, suspense, and Oh God, oh God, oh God dread. Then, I like to pull one of the blanket’s threads and let everything unravel.
The next few chapters of my story will include that “pulling the thread” moment. Or, as Hitchcock puts it, “the bang”. And I’m so excited! In fact, I’ve caught myself staring off into space (er, more than usual) imagining these scenes and planning how they’ll play out…Fingers crossed they actually pour out of me when I finally get to translate them to paper!
Anyways, in honor of my ongoing focus, and my constantly daydreaming mind, here is today’s Friday funny. Enjoy!
So, how was your week? For those of you participating in Camp NaNoWriMo, how’s it going? Are you going to make your goal by the end of the month? I’d love to hear about it!
Have a great weekend, guys! And don’t melt if you’re also experiencing ridiculous temperatures where you live.
Jen’s Weekly Roundup
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8 thoughts on “Friday Funny with a Bang and a Touch of Madness

    1. Great! In my opinion, NaNo’s not all about reaching your word count. It’s about kickstarting good writing habits and getting the story that’s inside of you out on paper. So good job! Keep it up 🙂


      1. It’s not an easy one to acquire, so don’t feel too bad. And even after you do, it’s easy to fall off the wagon (I fall off all the time, lol…ugh.) All I can say is determination. Determination, determination, determination…

        And lots of chocolate 😉


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